Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Subway Adventures

7th Avenue Station Creeper

I love the subway, seriously, I really do.  I'm sure I may be singing a different tune in a year or so, but after being car (and Seattle Metro Bus) dependent for so many years, I just can't get over the benefits.  For one thing, despite being prone to motion sickness on virtually every other moving vehicle, somehow I can read on the subway without getting sick.  I attribute this to pure New York City magic.  It takes me 45 minutes to get to work on a good day, which doesn't even phase me.  If I had to drive that long in a car I would have some serious road rage by the time I made it there, but on the subway I hardly notice.  It just kind of takes that long to get everywhere over here.

Benjamin waiting for the Q train
The subway also offers all sorts of added bonuses, to make the ride more interesting.  Today, for instance, I watched a man shave his face on the way home.  Really!  With a mirror, a razor, and some sort of moisturizer maybe?  I couldn't look away, it got a little awkward.  The stations themselves are also full of fun subway art, which Erin at Reading My Tea Leaves photographed beautifully here.
My favorite thing is the wide assortment of music to be heard.  It's not all great of course.  In fact, some can be downright painful to listen to, but I have heard some really great stuff down there underground.  Here is one of my favorites I captured around christmas time:

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